Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chapter One Answers

      1)  Why does Napoleon Hill not just tell us the secret and teach us how to use it?

The secret is something that you must discover for yourself. If it was told to you, you would not learn. And maybe the secret is different for everybody. We all have unique personalities, so the secret and how we employ need to also be unique and true to the self, so your passion will also be fully employed.

2) What is your BURNING DESIRE? Why does it burn, what makes it hot? If you desire money merely for material goods, that is not lasting wealth. Describe you desire and why it is burning.

My burning desire is to empower myself, not just for myself, but for my family. Our lives are too important to waste. I am to be a better example for my daughter. It is not just wealth, is belief in success and seeing the brick walls that trap many people as merely questions that have answers. For example, we have been trapped by lack of money. The old me considered lack of money the cause of a disease that rots a family into anger and divorce.  It is not the lack of money or abundance that hurts families, it is imbalance. With marriage, there are fairy tale expectations, childhood dreams of the Game of Life. When these expectations fail to materialize, due to financial thermostats, that is the disease, that is what causes frustration, fighting, and can leads to drug and alcohol abuse. Money is only the root of all evil for those who don't have it. My thermostat is rising.  Money will be my vehicle to success, a tool to be more of what I am, a generous giving person, who will help as many people as I can rise above money being their handicap. The first time I read Think and Grow Rich, I was pondering on raising my expectations and believing things can change. I was driving my daughter, her BFF and brother home from a school function. I was at a stop light and saw a bill of unknown denomination on the ground. I told the kids what I saw and that if it was anything over $20, I was taking them all out for ice cream. It happened to be a $100 bill, just laying there in the parking lot waiting for someone to pick it up. We went out for dinner and ice cream. The mother of my daughter's best friend and brother said, with the sound of a cold in her voice, to just bring the kids home. I told her she had no choice, it was divine intervention. I gave $10 to our church and $10 to a woman waiting for a bus, with tow kids under tow
T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth, uses the analogy of a financial thermostat. We are pre-programmed by our parents and other influences to a financial thermostat setting. This is evident by the many people who win the lottery and blow it all, or the many that blow an inheritance. When there is too much money, the thermostat tells us to spend, spend, spend until we are back in line with our financial themrostat setting. When it is too hot, when you don't have enough money, you find a way to survive. The wealth is out there and you get exactly what you expect.

The goal is to changing our expectations. Job losses and the economy will always be in flux. When you loose a job your thermostat may be lowered until you end up in a shelter. Our job is to set the thermostat and keep it where it belongs. Currently much of our society has a precipitating thermostat, falling based on the mistake of letting Wall Street and politicians decide our individual fates. However, many people in our society just keep getting richer, their thermostats learned to ignore fluxing variables. This book and work, mostly mental, will cahnge my thermostat for good. Read T.Harv Eker's book, he does a great job of explaining the thermostat. Email me if you want to go to one of his awesome intensive seminars. I can give you the schedule and arrange for free tickets.

3)  What example most empowers you and why? Be sure to address, definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE.

The little black girl inspired me as she was overcoming all that society placed on her, being a child, being black and being small. However, it’s the story about Barnes becoming a business partner with Thomas Edison that was so amazing. It was not where he started; it was his state of mind.  More importantly, he acted on his desire and kept working enough to support himself until he was ready for what the Universe wanted to give him. He was cut off all the bridges to failure. He kept going, always believing until the Universe gave him what he asked for.

If Barnes would have read this book as we are doing right now, then just sat on his couch waiting for opportunity, he would have died very disappointed.  So along with desire, we need to act, even if it doesn’t flourish right away, keep going, keep working on ourselves learning and taking care of our personal needs. Don’t quit the day job until you have plan and enough desire to burn all of your bridges and accept the abundance of wealth waiting for you.

4)  After every chapter I will ask you to reflect on what is the Secret in this book. So what do you think the secret is so far?

I think the secret is finding what drives your desire and then lighting the fire and taking action. I also think anything we discover in this book can make us millions if with burning desire and  the right action.

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